
Doris Fedrid, a deaf Holocaust survivor who became blind later in life and currently resides in Seattle, was interviewed on her experiences. The 32-minute video can be seen at

According to an article, “Testimonies of Deaf Holocaust Survivors” that appeared on The Daily Gazette website at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, PA, Fred and Doris Fedrid were imprisoned in the Tarnopol ghetto for two years.

Fred Fedrid was one of three tailors that Dr. Simon J. Carmel mentioned during his lecture at Swarthmore College in October 2007 in sharing stories of the persecuted deaf Jewish during World War II.

Carmel says that an estimated 25,000 deaf Jewish people were murdered in the Holocaust. With only about 20 deaf survivors left today, Carmel

Published On: 24 Nisan 5770 (24 Nisan 5770 (April 8, 2010))